About Us
District Overview
The Michigan District, LCMS is one of 35 districts of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. We exist to serve 345 churches, 3 missions, 5 high schools, 66 elementary schools, and 126 early childhood centers in the state of Michigan.
Board of Directors
The Michigan District Board of Directors manages and supervises the district’s business and legal affairs, implements the decisions of the national and district conventions, and allocates necessary funds for the support of the national and district budgets.
President's Office
The District President oversees the District staff and provides ecclesiastical supervision to all church workers, and carries out the duties assigned in the synodical bylaws (Constitution Art. XI; Synod Bylaws 4.4.1ff.)
District Facilitators
District Facilitators (DFs) are experienced District staff members deployed to assist ministry staff and lay leaders in order to strengthen and support local churches and schools.
The Department of Lutheran Schools works with congregations sponsoring educational choices for children through a professionally planned program and paid staff. The primary goal is to network congregations to become aware of others’ “Best Practices” and unique innovations in Christ-centered ministries that can be replicated in new settings…
Blog – Newsfeed, Story Bucket, Michigan Minute E-News, Magazine – Michigan In Touch, & Media Kit
Business Office
Salary Guidelines, Human Resources, Treasurer Resources, Church Board Resources, Church Safety …
Development / Ways to Support Michigan District Ministry
The Michigan District Development Department works to raise awareness and financial support for Michigan District, LCMS Ministries. Support assists in the areas of innovative missional ministries, professional church worker scholarships, international ministry, ministry grants, disaster relief, school support, and more.
The Purpose of the District Stewardship Committee is to serve the Church by promoting Stewardship resources.
It will articulate Biblical Stewardship Principals and review and recommend resources to the congregation for their Stewardship programming …