We are excited to share with you a new stewardship learning opportunity designed to teach children that they are children of God, disciples in an active relationship with Him every day and in every way.
We want our children to learn ALL of God’s Word, especially that we are sinners who have been set free from our condemnation by Jesus Christ, our Savior! We also want them to know what that means: “I am a child of God!” We have been given that new identity in Jesus and are entrusted to live out that identity as His disciples, stewarding our lives and all that God has created and placed around us.
These materials can be used in day school and preschool settings, children’s ministries, weekday classes, or Confirmation instruction. They have been outlined as a four-week emphasis, designed to fit into your schedule. The packet could be used in successive weeks, once a month for four successive months, or other. Weekly emphases include: I am a child of God … I have my identity in Jesus; Since I am God’s child … I want to be Jesus’ disciple; Since I am God’s child … I want to take care of myself and others; and Since I am God’s child … I want to take care of God’s world.
It is not our intent for you to say: “Oh no! Here’s another thing to try and fit into our busy learning and curriculum schedule!” Instead, we have developed these materials to assist you in this important area of teaching the full counsel of God’s Word as it applies to living as a child of God.
We have also included a four-week series of children’s messages for worship services that can be used to supplement and teach this important concept in a different context.
When you order your set, you will receive an email with the link to the curriculum booklet and video playlist. We welcome any comments, feedback, or questions that you might have as we work together as the family of God.
The Michigan District Stewardship Committee
Rev. Douglas M. Adams, Rev. Eric Black, Mr. Ron Chewning, Rev. John M. Duerr, Rev. Daniel C. Meckes, Rev. Stephen E. Schilke, Mrs. Laura Thomas, Rev. Dr. Richard J. Wolfram
“… but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).