Join a Ministry


The following ministries welcome volunteers on a regular basis (both individuals and groups). Click on the links below to learn more about these ministries and how you, your church, or organization can serve.

Share your interest in serving one of these organizations today!


Hear from a volunteer.

Volunteer Opportunities in Michigan

Acts 2 Enterprise Urban Ministry in Detroit | In need of youth-size gloves & hats – Contact Bethany to arrange for drop off at 313.885.7721.
Sports Camps, Jobs for Life, Expungement Services

Benton Harbor Outreach, a Ministry of Trinity, St. Joseph
Mobile Food Truck, Sort & Share Program, Community Dinners, Benton Harbor Soup Kitchen

Camp Restore DetroitGiving Tuesday Campaign
Environmental, construction, and human care.

Charity, Detroit
ICan Tutoring, Meals, Block Clubs, Clothing Giveaways, Housing

Elli’s House, Detroit | Amazon Wish List
A temporary shelter for runaway, homeless, or young girls involved in sex trafficking

Family of God, DetroitAmazon Wish List
Spiritual care, narcotics anonymous, pregnancy/infant care, meal ministry

Flint Mission Network, Flint – Includes Franklin Avenue Mission, York Avenue Mission, Mercy House, and The Luke Clinic
Meal ministry, neighborhood cleanup, clothes closet, distribution of infant care items and personal care items,  6–12 month transitional housing program for homeless mothers and their families, prenatal and infant care for underprivileged families.

Gifts for All God’s Children, DetroitAmazon Wish List
Tutoring/mentoring, summer Bible camps, Holiday events, prayer partners, school supplies

St. Paul, Pontiac | Amazon Wish List
ICan Tutoring, Meals, Food/Clothing Assistance, Backpacks/School Supplies, Plastic Mats for the Homeless

The Luke Clinic, DetroitAmazon Wish List
Pre-natal and infant care

National & International

Lutheran Braille Workers

LCMS World Mission

Lutheran Association of Missionary Pilots (LAMP)

MOST Ministries