Disaster Response Ministry


Become a Trained Christian Volunteer

A disaster may happen anywhere at any time. Are you prepared to respond? Join us at the Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) volunteer training program provided by the LCMS Office of National Mission. This 6-hour program will help you serve as a trained Christian volunteer, focusing on the most important things to remember as you prepare for–or respond to–a disaster in your community or beyond. Become Certified

An unparalleled opportunity stands before us to share Christ by offering Christian care in times of disaster. Christ’s mercy is at the center of LERT training and is the basis for everything we do.

After you complete the LERT training, you will receive your certificate and volunteer certification badge from LCMS Disaster Response and the LCMS Office of National Mission

Latest LCMS Disaster Response Information

For up-to-date information concerning Disaster Response, visit LCMS World Relief and Human Care.

Here is also a Quick Reference Guide for Disasters and Pandemics by the LCMS Disaster Response. (added 5/12/2020)