So often we are inclined to check in on others, but now we’re asking you to check in on yourself. Pause and reflect on these questions.
Physical Health:
- Is it a struggle to get intentional movement into your day (e.g., a walk, jog, stretching, etc.)?
- How many servings of vegetables did you eat yesterday?
- When is the last time you visited your primary care physician or completed a suggested health screening (e.g., mammogram, dental check-up, etc.)?
Mental/ Emotional Health:
- How many days this week have you felt overwhelmed?
- Are you more forgetful lately?
- Have you or loved ones noticed you’re more “on edge” recently?
- Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night?
Financial Health:
- Are you worried about having enough money in retirement?
- Are you wondering how to increase your savings?
- Do you have an emergency fund? How long will it last you if your household income drastically decreased?
Sometimes when we muster all the motivation we can to take a step in our health journey, we’re overwhelmed by the long road ahead and that stalls us from taking any steps at all.
Whether you’re on the edge of taking the first step in your health journey or you’re mid-journey and feeling discouraged, don’t focus on the entire journey—focus on the next best step.
So, what is a great next best step? Here we suggest some steps, but by no means is this a comprehensive list nor are we the expert on you and what works best for you (that’s YOU!).
Physical health:
- Park one parking spot further from the building than you usually do.
- Add a vegetable to your next meal or snack.
- Schedule that mammogram.
- Go to that annual physical with your primary care physician.
Mental Health:
- Tonight, choose to read, journal or scribble instead of scrolling on social media or zoning out in front of the TV.
- Pray over your favorite encouraging Bible verse tomorrow morning.
Financial Health:
- Start or increase savings in your retirement. Any increase is better than no increase.
- Start an emergency fund. Research account options to see what brings the most value to you.
- Grow your emergency fund. Do a spending freeze for a short period of time, putting money saved into the fund. Any savings is still savings!
Taking care of ourselves can be an overwhelming journey, whether you’re at the first step or step 10,001. No matter where you are, God is with you on your journey, enabling and providing for you to be a good steward of all He blessed you with. Don’t focus on the entire journey, but just the next best step. He’s with you; we’re with you. Take that step!
Concordia Plans, in partnership with Church Extension Fund and the Michigan District, is providing a free, one-day workshop for all church workers. You will hear pertinent information about financial benefits and ways to improve your physical and mental health. Registration is free and lunch is included. You can also sign up to meet with a Financial Educator for a 30-minute one-on-one meeting prior to the event or immediately following the event. For more information and to register, click here.
This article was co-authored by two Concordia Plans employees: Kelly Menke, Physical Wellbeing Educator, and Laura Scheer, Financial Educator.
Photos © anatoliy_gleb/iStock (patient in dentist chair); arif_ryianto/Unsplash (woman at window); and Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash (hands holding savings jar)