Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
What a year! The COVID-19 pandemic is at the center of much that is affecting our lives. The number of illnesses and deaths caused by the virus is overwhelming. And so are the lost jobs, business closures, food and supply shortages, and the Stay Home, Stay Safe order which is continuing to affect our schools and congregations. We also
witnessed investments take a serious hit from a stock market crash.
This just touches the surface of what we have been facing—and in some cases continue to face—as a direct result of the virus. I wonder if anyone else misses sports as much as I do.
Then the flooding from breached dams changed lives of literally thousands in mid-Michigan. And not too long after that catastrophe, the death of George Floyd in Minnesota sparked countless riots throughout our state and country.
In the midst of all these challenges, by God’s Grace and the generous hearts of His people, the Here We Stand Campaign (HWS) continued to advance steadily. Around June 1, the campaign surpassed the $7 million milestone in total gifts and commitments received. Again, we thank God for this glimpse of good and encouraging news and thank all the individuals and congregations of the Michigan District who helped the campaign reach this new milestone.
But HWS is far from over. The Congregational phase continues through the end of 2021—approximately another 18 months. What happens during these final months will have a significant financial impact on future Michigan District mission and ministries. Please prayerfully consider participating and helping the campaign make a strong finish!
Whether you are reading this as an individual or as a representative of a congregation, if you have not yet participated, please prayerfully consider becoming involved soon. If you have already participated, thank you! Would you please consider a new gift, or perhaps extending your current pledge another year or two as many have already?
On behalf of the many in Michigan and around the world who will benefit from your generosity, please consider becoming a participant for the first time or even a second time. With your help and generosity, we can continue to share a little bit of good and encouraging news in the months ahead as new milestones are reached and more lives are impacted by Jesus for the sake of the Gospel and the extension of God’s Kingdom.
Please know that we would welcome your support of any, or all, of the campaign initiatives, and we encourage you to support what you are most passionate about in your service to our Lord.
Thank you, stay safe, and continued blessings.
Rev. Dr. David P. E. Maier
President, Michigan District, LCMS
Individuals may deduct up to $300 of cash contributions in 2020, whether they itemize their deductions or not. If you use the standard deduction, you will receive the $300 tax deduction in addition to the standard deduction.
P.S. As we begin a new school year at Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Mich. and Mequon, Wisc., as well as the other universities of the Concordia University System and the two seminaries of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, please prayerfully consider making a generous financial contribution to the Professional Church Worker Scholarship initiative of the Here We Stand campaign. Approximately $250,000 in scholarships was given to students for the last school year, and it is anticipated that a similar amount will be given again this year to students from Michigan District congregations preparing to be part of our next generation of Professional Church Workers. This is our opportunity to help reduce the financial burden that many of our future church workers face each year, and often for many years following their graduations. Please consider blessing them through your generosity.
P.S.S. If your passion for the future of our church is one or more of the other initiatives of the Here We Stand campaign, please know that you may direct your gift as you feel inclined to do. Your act of generosity will be a blessing to those who are impacted through Innovative Missional Ministries, International Ministries, and through our Endowment Fund. Please prayerfully consider one or all of these initiatives.