Spring, 2024
“Sowing of seeds” is a good analogy for the way we see our work with youth in the Michigan District. It is vitally important that we grow our children’s faith in the good soil of God’s Word and water them with Christian worship and fellowship. As they grow, we “fertilize” them with opportunities for learning and service in the Church.
The District’s Education Office serves 131 early childhood centers, 68 elementary schools and 5 high schools and is active with homeschooling groups and microschools. On any given day, Superintendent of Schools Travis Grulke will advise on accreditation, board development, conferences and trainings, school statistics and reports, sports championships, and school safety.
“I am thankful for the dedication to Christian education shown to me by the members of my childhood congregation. Without their help, who knows what I would be doing today. … It is my belief that Christian education is needed more today than when I entered this ministry,” says Mr. Neil F. Webb, principal/religion teacher/physical education teacher at Christ Lutheran School in Stevensville, Mich.
In another District Office, Director of Leadership Development Rev. Dr. Rob Kasper constructs a leadership pipeline for youth. He prepares congregation staff and families to offer experiences that develop youth interest in future ministry. Dr. Kasper leads the volunteers who plan the junior high and high school youth gatherings—retreats that offer engaging worship, study, service, and fellowship.
“Some of the things they’re talking up on stage about speak to me. You never really know what people are going through and some of those things they’re saying are so relatable. It’s so nurturing and then to hear the Gospel being preached as well is so comforting. I’m inspired to live it out [faith] because there’s so much joy and I feel so at peace here that I really want to show other people,” said Elliot, a participant in the 2023 Michigan District High School Gathering on Mackinac Island, Mich.
As shared on the Michigan District High School Gathering Wrap Up Video ©2023
Building a mission plan for youth in the Michigan District includes targeted efforts through the programs and staff in Acts 2 Enterprise (A2E) and college campus ministry sites. From summer VBS camps and job training at A2E to Bible studies, fellowship, and service at college campuses throughout the state, young people are finding Jesus in these places for the first time. Mission Strategy Director Rev. Dr. Todd Jones meets with stakeholders in the District to equip them with training and resources to carry out this Gospel work.
“My favorite part of the whole week was watching our youngest 6th grade leaders transition from participating to helping put on this outreach program,” said Mr. Matt Hire, Minister of Worship and Family Life, as he recalled The Vine Church’s Lego-themed VBS in Walker, Mich.
The Michigan District invites you to provide the financial seeds that will help us grow the future leaders in ministry and vocation for our Church. Your gift will enable the District to cultivate ground to grow the Gospel with youth and adults in all areas, ages, and activities of our work in Michigan.
Gifts to the Michigan District are not meant to replace or reduce your gifts to your congregation or other ministries. Instead, these gifts support our current congregations and church workers through District-wide training opportunities, congregation/circuit collaboration, strategic congregation partnerships with the community, and vision support for future ministry and innovation as we carry out this work together as People of Hope.
May our Heavenly Father abundantly bless the seeds you daily sow in His name.
…eyes on Jesus …
Rev. David A. Davis, President
Michigan District, LCMS
Download printable Spring Appeal Letter (legal size paper)