Spring 2021 Exhibitor Hall

Please view the following videos which share information from our Spring 2021 Exhibitors and website links for our Pastors’ Conferences.


1517  |  1517.org

Camp Concordia | campconcordia.org

Camp Restore | detroitcamprestore.org

Church Extension Fund | mi-cef.org

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis | csl.edu

Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne | ctsfw.edu

Connection By Design | connectionbydesign.org



Concordia University Ann Arbor | cuaa.edu

En Gedi Music Fest | engedimusicfest.com

LCMS Foundation | lcmsfoundation.org

Lutheran Benefits Group | luthben.com

Lutheran Trust | lutherantrust.com

Lutherans For Life of Michigan | lflmi.org

Ministry Focus | ministryfocus.org

Orphan Grain Train | ogt.org/branches/michigan/

Paychex | payx.me/concordia

Toward Significance | towardsignificance.com

Wellspring | wellspringlutheran.com