
Stewardship Emphasis 2018: Embracing Great Commission Stewardship


Document Description:

2018 – Embracing Great Commission Stewardship – Zip File

Embracing Great Commission Stewardship

A Three-week Stewardship Emphasis

Ron and Phyllis Chewning
Stewardship Advisors
32842 Bassett Woods Ct
Beverly Hills MI 48025

DOWNLOAD Complete Stewardship Package

A Three-week Stewardship Emphasis

  • Embracing your Calling as a Disciple
  • Embracing a Commitment to God’s Word
  • Embracing a Lifestyle of Giving Joyfully and Generously

This stewardship emphasis is a very rewarding, educational, and enjoyable program. Our Lord changes us through His love to become disciples living as grace-filled stewards who seek to honor and serve Him with all He’s given us. Acknowledging that all we are and have are gifts from God, we become His faithful stewards.

Sunday Morning Bible Studies:

In order for your members to grow as disciples who embrace Great Commission stewardship, it is necessary to spend time reading and studying God’s Word.  The three Bible studies, as well as answer guides, are available on the downloadable file .zip file.

Testimonials/ Lay reader talks

There are three lay reader talks provided. Personal testimonials are more effective, but if no member is willing to share his/her stewardship story with the congregation, these talks may be used. The talks may be given at the start of the service or during the time of the offering. For weeks two and three, there are audio talks with power points available.

Daily Devotions

It is recommended that you distribute the copied daily devotions for the first week on the Sunday prior to the start of the emphasis, and the other two sets on the following two Sundays (one set each Sunday). Then members will be able to read the daily devotions focusing on the weekly theme prior to the message on Sunday.

Generous George Intro Video

On the first Sunday of the emphasis, you are encouraged to show this four-minute video at the beginning of the worship service.

Trifold Brochure

It is my suggestion that you send the trifold brochure along with the letter and commitment form. Having the commitment form a few days prior to the start of the emphasis gives the members time to pray and consider what their commitment will be.

Emphasis Download

All the material in downloadable folder may be copied.


Artwork is available for you to develop a banner.

Elders/ Council Members

In order to obtain the support and prayers of the elders and council members, you should discuss the emphasis with them. Any input they offer should be considered.

Commitment Sunday (weekend)

Members should be encouraged to make financial commitments to the Lord through their church. Commitment forms can be distributed with the bulletins/worship folders on Commitment Sunday (Commitment Weekend), which is the third week of the emphasis. It is a meaningful part of the service to give members the opportunity to bring their commitments forward to the altar. Every effort should be made to make Commitment Sunday a special and meaningful day. To show the joy and importance of making a commitment to the Lord, you may want to have balloons and/or other decorations. You could provide some special snacks. Some churches have found that inviting a special guest preacher is helpful. Some churches celebrate their commitments by having a lunch on Sunday.

The commitment forms need to be available on Commitment Sunday (weekend). It is suggested that you mail the letter from the pastor and a commitment form just prior to the start of the emphasis. This will act as a reminder for members to think and pray about their commitments. If they fail to bring their commitment forms with them, it won’t matter because there will be another form for them on Commitment Sunday.

After Final week

You are encouraged to send reminder letters to members who failed to return their commitment forms.

A bulletin message to thank members for turning in their commitment forms is available.


If you are not a member of a Michigan District, LCMS Congregation please contact Ron Chewning at Stewardship Advisors for permission to use.

DOWNLOAD Complete Stewardship Package