Preparing for future mission and ministry in the Michigan District is as important as providing current ministry. The Michigan District Endowment Fund allocates funds to further the ministry of the District. The four areas supported by the Endowment Fund are Missions, Student Aid, Special Purposes, and Unrestricted. Thanks to you, the Fund was able to support ministry during the economic downturn, and now helps to support expansion of ministry. Below is an article written by Rev. Wiesenauer, speaking from the receiving end of such financial support for Missions.
Back in 2009, my family had just been called to the foreign mission field, and we were just beginning to raise support. We had a lot of joy and faith, and very little funding. Long story short, I asked the Michigan District to partner with me in the Gospel, and they replied, “Yes! The Future is Now.” Thanks to the sacrificial gifts of Michigan Lutherans, their love of the Gospel, and the leadership of the Michigan District, we were given a generous grant through The Future is Now campaign that helped get us to the field. It was the wind in our sails just when we needed it. We deployed shortly after that, and God blessed our ministry there.
Looking back over our time in Asia, my family and I are overwhelmed with thanks for what the Lord accomplished. We had open doors to share the Gospel, disciple local Christians, and train church workers. We witnessed a harvest as people confessed their sins and became God’s children in Baptism. We saw the Holy Spirit draw new believers together into newly planted churches. We saw impoverished communities grow in their capacity to teach and share the faith in sustainable ways. We look back and say, “Wow! Look what God did!” We also look back and say, “Thank you Michigan for your loving support through The Future is Now.”
Now, we are back in the U.S. in the great state of Michigan. The “future” was then. And now, Here We Stand with a new opportunity to support the mission of the church. We are so grateful to have been on the receiving end of generosity then. Now, in grateful response to what God has done for us, we’re excited to be on the giving end—to be the wind in someone else’s sails. Here We Stand for the next missionary family joyfully going where God calls. Here We Stand for church planters right here in Michigan; for urban missionaries bringing hope and healing to broken communities; for young men and women hard at work studying as they answer God’s call to serve the church in various church working vocations. For the love of the church and those who serve her, my congregation and I will joyfully support “Here We Stand.”
One lesson I learned from the mission field is that the church fulfills its calling better when we stand together. For the glory of Almighty God and the love of His church, my prayer is that every congregation and individual will embrace Here We Stand together.
Photo (c) Inbetween/Lightstock