The 103rd Regular Convention of the Michigan District, LCMS will be held June 26–28, 2022 at Concordia University Ann Arbor.
The theme for the convention is “People of Hope … It’s Time!” (1 Peter 1:3–5; Romans 10:12–15; 2 Corinthians 6:1–2). President Maier shares, “Because of Jesus paying the price for the sins of the world on Calvary’s cross and proclaiming victory over death by His rising from the dead … ‘WHOEVER believes in Him will not be disappointed’ and ‘WHOEVER will call upon the Name of the Lord will be saved.’ These Gospel assurances fill us with hope in this darkening world of division, racial unrest, and hopelessness. As people of hope, ‘the light of the world’, indeed, ‘stars shining in the universe,’ we are ‘working together with Him,’ knowing that ‘NOW is the favorable time,’ NOW is the day of salvation,’ NOW is the time to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus. People of Hope … It’s Time!”
Two separate Call for Nominations mailings went out in September of 2020 to all congregations and an updated mailing was sent in August of 2021. The first mailing contained official nomination forms for submitting President and Vice President nominations which are to be mailed to Rev. Darryl L. Andrzejewski; 20014 Holiday Rd; Grosse Pointe Woods MI 48236-2372. The second mailing contained official nomination forms for submitting Secretary, Board of Directors, Church Extension Fund Board of Directors, and District Nominating Committee nominations which are to be mailed to Rev. Robert Appold; 8653 Lilly Ridge Dr SE; Alto MI 49302-9000. If you have already nominated candidates for the positions included above, YOUR NOMINATIONS ARE STILL VALID. If you have not nominated candidates, please do. If extra copies are needed, contact Laurie Brown at 888.225.2111 ext. 233 or download at The deadline to submit nominations is February 26, 2022.
Circuit Visitors
Thirty-one of the 44 circuits have already selected circuit visitors in 2021. These selections are still valid, and will be submitted for ratification at the Michigan District Convention in June of 2022. Upon ratification, the circuit visitors will serve through September of 2025. If your circuit has not held a circuit forum to select a circuit visitor, or to conduct other official business, this must be scheduled before January 31, 2022. Please check with your circuit visitor if you have questions regarding the circuit forum or circuit visitor nominations.
Overtures may be submitted only by a member congregation, the Board of Directors, an official district conference of ordained/commissioned ministers, a committee established by a prior convention, or a circuit forum. Overtures must be submitted using the overture template which can be downloaded from the Michigan District website. The deadline to submit overtures is February 26, 2022. No overture received subsequent to that date shall be accepted for convention consideration unless a committee consisting of the District President, the First Vice President, and the District Secretary adjudge it to be a matter of overriding importance and urgency which is not adequately covered by documents already before the convention.
Photo by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS