It is with great pleasure that we announce to you that Rev. Todd Jones has accepted the call to serve the Michigan District as Assistant to the President – Mission Education and Support.
Rev. Todd Jones attended Concordia Seminary St. Louis and received his M.Div. in 1989. He served two congregations before accepting a call to the Mid-South District as an Executive Assistant to the District President. In 2013, he accepted the call to Concordia Seminary St. Louis, where he currently serves as Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and Director of Resident Field Education. His areas of interest and expertise include mission work, children’s ministry, and ministry health.
Rev. Jones has consistently been involved in mission work, whether on the frontlines of church planting or in the background, assisting with training and coaching. He was the assistant to the president for Congregational Health and Outreach for the Mid-South District, LCMS from 2009-13, where he helped congregations increase worship attendance and helped leaders through training, coaching, and resource development. Since 2002, he has been training and coaching indigenous church planters around the world and still serves as a coach to more than 40 pastors who are in the midst of revitalizing their churches in eight LCMS Districts.
Rev. Jones has been making presentations for districts and various conferences since 2006, focusing much of his attention on children’s ministry (revitalizing children’s ministry and bridging gaps between school and church) and systematic approaches to ministry health.
He has been a contributing author to books about congregational transformation.
Mission Educator/Mission Support
Rev. Jones new position role at the Michigan District includes:
Mission Educator – Responsible to develop a system of continuing education for all called administrative church workers (Ordained and Commissioned) to the end that a culture of mission and evangelism is more fully realized in the Michigan District. Represent the District President in his role to congregations as he assigns such responsibilities.
Mission Support – Responsible to resource, support, and oversee all new mission/ministry starts who are receiving and have received financial support from the Michigan District (through FiveTwo or otherwise) in order to better ensure their desired result of reaching new people with the Gospel as measured by new baptized believers.
Rev. Jones will be installed on July 12, 2017, at The Chapel of the Holy Trinity on the campus of Concordia University Ann Arbor. Also being installed that evening is Travis Grulke, Assistant to the President – Superintendent of Schools. Prior to the installation, a barbecue dinner will take place honoring outgoing Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Bruce Braun. If you wish to attend the dinner, price per person is $25. Please make your reservation for the dinner here by June 30, 2017.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Event Coordinator, Debbie Hughes, at or 734.213.3234.
May God’s blessings rest upon Rev. Jones and his wife, Susan, during this transition into Michigan District mission and ministry.
Rev. Dr. David P. E. Maier
Michigan District, LCMS