In May, the Michigan District added three part-time Regional Facilitators to its staff. Together with Rev. Randy Johnson, the West Region District Facilitator and Lead Facilitator for the team, these men serve as representatives of the District President. They do this by working closely with circuit visitors and pastors; networking congregations together; attending appropriate conferences; and interacting with pastors and other Recognized Service Organizations, among many other tasks.
Here is some biographical information about the new facilitators:

Rev. Mark D. Brandt hails from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He earned his B.A. from Ann Arbor and Ft. Wayne, and his M.Div. from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. He served a total of three congregations in Nebraska and Michigan before retiring from full-time ministry in 2021. Brandt served as Michigan District Vice President from 2009–2022, and was a member of the Board of Directors from 2003–2009. He was installed as the North and East Region District Facilitator during the opening worship for the North and East Pastors Conference in Bay City (the service took place at Grace, Auburn). Mark is married to Karen and they have five adult children and seven grandchildren.
Rev. Daniel C. Meckes was born in Fairview Park, Ohio. He earned an A.A. from Concordia Ann Arbor, a B.A. from Concordia River Forest, and an M.Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Before going to the seminary, he served for two years as the Director of Christian Education at Carmel Lutheran in Carmel, Ind. Upon his ordination, he served a total of five congregations in Michigan and is still serving part-time at Journey, Oxford while also serving as Metro West Region District Facilitator. He has been involved in the Michigan District in various capacities and is also a member of the Stewardship Committee. He was installed as the Metro West District Facilitator at the opening worship for the South and East Pastors Conference in Frankenmuth (St. Lorenz). Dan is married to Janelle and they have five adult children and six grandchildren.
Rev. John E. Greig hails from Painesville, Ohio. He earned B.A. degrees from Ohio State University and Concordia College, Ann Arbor, and an M.Div. from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. He has served churches in North Carolina, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware, and now serves part-time at First, Algonac, Mich. He was installed as the Metro East Region District Facilitator at the opening worship for the South and East Pastors Conference in Frankenmuth (St. Lorenz). John is married to Kimberly and they have three adult children and two grandchildren.
District President Rev. David Davis says, “God has given us excellent men to serve as District Facilitators working with Randy Johnson. Each man brings significant gifts to the table that will help to serve not just their region but the team of Facilitators as a whole. They will provide close contact with pastors and congregations from the District to facilitate networking, cooperation, and advancement of ministry here in the Michigan District.”

Photos by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS