The Michigan District Lutheran Adult Gathering (LAG) is a weekend that offers a world-class getaway including worship, study, and relaxation. LAG guests enjoy unforgettable views, incredible food, well-known speakers, great entertainment, and multiple worship and devotional opportunities. It’s a weekend to recharge, slow down, and enjoy time with brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s an experience that combines the church gatherings of our youth with the ambiance that only the Grand Hotel can provide.
The next LAG will take place October 14–16, 2022 and will center on the theme In His Presence Through All Generations. The theme is based on Psalm 90:1, which reads: “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.” Indeed, we will gather in God’s presence that weekend, thanking Him for His faithfulness and looking at ways we can be proactive as an inter-generational movement for Jesus and the Gospel.
For more information and to register, visit
Featured image © Neely Wang/Lightstock; photo of Grand Hotel porch by Galan Walther/Michigan District, LCMS