Congregations across Michigan have been sewing quilts, assembling care kits, collecting soap, and taking monetary donations towards the annual Lutheran World Relief Boxcar Loading. This year, the boxcar loading date is set for Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at the Conrail Yard in Detroit and the Hughart Yard in Grand Rapids.
During the month of October, donations can be brought to twelve collection sites across the state, including the Michigan District Office (October 11-18) in Ann Arbor. These collection sites will then ship the donations to the Detroit and Grand Rapids rail yards. Find a site near you at or by contacting Coordinator Pat Schuknecht at or 517.552.7218.
In 2015, LWR distributed 332,592 quilts; 152,585 school kits; 140,557 personal care kits; 13,694 fabric kits, 67,670 baby care kits; and 32,322 pounds of soap; and $12.9 million to more than 674,056 people in 19 countries around the world!
Short on funds? Have you considered a Thrivent Action Team Grant to purchase items for LWR kits? Download an application today at Click on “Making A Difference.”
Lutheran World Relief is a ministry of U.S. Lutherans serving communities living in poverty overseas. For more information, visit
Photo courtesy of Lutheran World Relief