When disasters strike and families lose everything, they often lose their hope. The LCMS Disaster Response is a ministry of presence—a presence rich with God’s mercy and Word of Life. It serves thousands of individuals and families who suffer from loss in the wake of disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, and tornadoes. Without a support network, families need help to recover and we, as the Church, are there to serve.
A disaster may happen anywhere at any time. Is your congregation prepared to respond? You can be part of the Michigan District Disaster Response by training through Lutheran Early Response Teams (LERT). LERT Training is part of a Synod-wide disaster response program, facilitated by a network of District Disaster Response Coordinators and Teams. The Michigan District’s LERT Training will take place at Trinity, Utica on October 7, 2017. This training is provided by the LCMS Office of National Mission. The 6-hour program will equip you to be an effective volunteer should a disaster strike your community, state, or nation. You will be able to focus on the most important things as you prepare for—or respond to—a disaster in your community or beyond.
Disaster response opens the door to Gospel proclamation and the message of hope when families need it most. At the center of LERT training is one thing—MERCY! Christ’s mercy is the basis for providing care during times of disaster.
Adults of all ages and youth are encouraged to attend the training. The cost is $35/person and includes a training manual, LCMS volunteer vest, other helpful materials, and lunch. Upon completion of the training, you will receive a certificate of training participation and a volunteer certification badge from LCMS Disaster Response/LCMS Office of National Mission.
For more information, or to register, click here.
Photo courtesy of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod/Al Dowbina