My name is Rev. Chris Garcia and this is my third year as chair of Here We Ride. I am thankful for all of the 2019 participants in Bay City, as it was a wonderful event that we looked forward to building on in 2020. When Covid-19 restrictions changed our course last year, I was encouraged by all of you who participated virtually. This year we are getting back together in Bay City!
Will you join us for Here We Ride 2021? This event is an opportunity to go for a bike ride with brothers and sisters in Christ for the benefit of your local congregation, future church workers, and the Body of Christ across the world.
Last year we had participants from around the state ride their bikes all over Michigan and send us pictures of their ride. This year we welcome you to either join us in person for the ride and fellowship in Bay City or get a group together in your neck of the woods and share pictures with us via social media.
The in-person event will take place the morning of Saturday, August 7, 2021. We will open with a time of prayer, go out for our rides, and come together for food and fellowship. This is not a race, so participants of all skill levels can enjoy the ride at their own pace and each person can decide their preferred distance to ride.
Immanuel and Zion Lutheran churches in Bay City will be hosting the event. Participants will be able to ride together from Zion along the Bay City trail system. The ride will loop around the city with options: a longer ride up to the local state park (where you reach the Saginaw Bay) and a family-friendly ride that will allow riders to avoid bridges and stick to one side of the Saginaw River. No matter if your ride is 5 or 25 miles long, we will all get back together at Zion for food and fellowship. Volunteers will be stationed along the trail with water and snacks for you.
So come along for the ride! Sign up today to register for the event at Once you’re registered, you can use our donations form to collect pledges. Donations will be split 50/50 between your local ministry and the ministries supported through the Michigan District’s Here We Stand campaign.
Looking forward to hitting the trail with you!
Rev. Chris Garcia

Carolyn Burns - June 30, 2021
Great Idea! Love Bike Riding and we have some beautiful options here in Portage Michigan. around lakes and thru woods ETc. More families have embraced it with the need to find self involved outside activities with family members due to COVID restrictions. Will give it some publicity here .
For a great and healthy cause.
Rev. Chris Garcia - June 30, 2021
I’m excited to hear your enthusiasm for this event! I hope the brothers and sisters in Portage are able to either join us in Bay City or ride together on your local trails the weekend of August 7-8.