
Grand Rapids Area Outreach Event Focuses on Grace1 min read

On August 14, The Vine Church, a new mission start of the Michigan District, LCMS, hosted Jason Gray in concert at a community park. Jason shared a simple Gospel message: We are all broken by sin. God in His GRACE comes to our rescue through Jesus. Jesus uses our brokenness to share His love, forgiveness, and strength with the broken (2 Cor. 1:3–4).

Pastor Jim Richter of The Vine Church shared these words regarding the outreach event: “We are so grateful to God for HIS many GRACES that made this event happen. We are grateful for the donor who knew Jason Gray and brought him in to minister to us with his music and message. We are grateful for the many volunteers from The Vine who helped us serve the community with Jesus’ love. We are thankful to The City of Walker, Michigan, for allowing us to be the first entity ever, other than The City of Walker, to use the community amphitheater so Jason could share God’s message of grace, healing, and hope. We are grateful for the mercy ministries that came out in full force to share their healing grace—The King’s Table Ministries, Matthew’s House Ministry and others. Even Skinny’s BBQ and their delicious food brought God’s grace to the people attending the concert. We are grateful for every person who came and enjoyed a beautiful night with beautiful music that soothed our souls. Most of all we thank JESUS for giving us the privilege of being part of His mission to comfort, save, and strengthen people in Walker and greater Grand Rapids with His LOVE!”

Photos by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS


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This blog is published by the Communications Department of the Michigan District, LCMS.

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