Last fall, congregations around the state assembled 350 flood buckets, which were then stored at our Michigan District storage location at Living Faith, Marine City. This week, LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team) volunteers from Trinity, Clinton Township transported the buckets to a centralized storage facility in Southgate. From there, the buckets are going to be distributed by several disaster relief organizations to assist with the flood relief efforts once the waters recede. These materials will be used to muck-out basements, as there is a lot of work to be done in the coming weeks to help families in cleaning up homes and other buildings.
Our supply of flood buckets is now depleted. Please consider putting together flood buckets as a congregation/school in the next couple of months to help us restock for future disasters.
Below is information on what is needed for the buckets. Please make sure you follow the exact description for each item. Thrivent Action Teams are a great way to buy the needed supplies. If your congregation or school assembles buckets, you are asked to deliver them (if possible) to one of the locations where we are storing them (Grand Rapids / Marine City). If that isn’t possible, you can contact Travis Grulke about getting them picked up by some of our LERT volunteers. Either way, please email Travis when your buckets have been completed so we can schedule a way to get them to one of our storage locations.
Flood Buckets/Cleaning Supplies
5 gallon bucket with lid
2 large trash bags (40 gal Contractor Grade)
Comet or scouring cleanser
Pine Sol – 48 oz
Clorox bleach – 1 gal
Scrub brush
Sponges & rags
Dust Mask (N-95 required) – If possible… may not be able to find.
Rubber gloves (Household Kitchen Style)
Clothes line
Clothes pins
Photos courtesy of Travis Grulke