
Best Practices Heartland to Take Place in Frankenmuth This Fall2 min read

The end is near!

One year ago, that might have sounded like a pessimistic statement, as if the pandemic were ushering in the end times.

Today, that statement has a decidedly optimistic ring to it, as we seem to be coming closer and closer to the end of many of the restrictions and regulations imposed in the effort to combat the virus.

With that in mind, planners for the Best Practices Heartland conference to be held at St. Lorenz in Frankenmuth on September 19–21, 2021 have been hard at work to make sure that everything is in place for a fantastic experience for all who are able to attend.

We have great plenary speakers scheduled. We are planning delicious meals with a Frankenmuth flair. We have reserved space in the congregation’s brand-new Worship and Event Center, in our historic church building, in our sprawling school, and in our beautiful Church Grove. We have also arranged with local hotels to provide excellent accommodations at very reasonable prices.

SPECIAL NOTE TO MICHIGAN DISTRICT PASTORS: As announced at the May Circuit Visitors’ Conference, we are inviting every circuit in our District to consider holding your September Winkel at St. Lorenz during this conference. In order to facilitate that, we will arrange for spaces during the breakout periods for circuits to be able to meet together to conduct circuit business and/or to have time together with your circuit brothers. Circuit Visitors will need to send a note to or to so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Registration for the conference is now open. In addition, we are seeking volunteers to lead breakout sessions. These have always been an integral part of Best Practices for Ministry conferences, as that is one of the main avenues for sharing practical ideas with one another. Please consider sharing your story with others.

Remember: one of the overriding principles of Best Practices is that nobody pays to attend and nobody gets paid to speak. Registration and meals are free. Participants are responsible only for your travel and lodging expenses (and any souvenirs you buy downtown!).

Everything you need to know about this conference is now, or soon will be, available at this link.

In addition, Best Practices Heartland is on the St. Lorenz web site, the Best Practices Heartland Facebook page, and the Michigan District “Events page.

Visit us virtually at one of those sites soon and make plans to visit us in person this fall.

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About the Author

Rev. Mark D. Brandt serves as the 1st Vice President of the Michigan District, LCMS.

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All are welcome to attend! If you’d like to know more about the presentations that might be of interest to you, we suggest you click here, follow Best Practices Heartland on Facebook, or contact Rev. Mark Brandt.