Post-Harvey recovery efforts have begun in Texas, just as Irma bears down on Florida and the Caribbean. Do you feel moved to volunteer your time and efforts? If so, are you prepared?
Join us at the Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) volunteer training program provided by the LCMS Office of National Mission. This 6-hour program will help you serve as a trained Christian volunteer, focusing on the most important things to remember as you prepare for–or respond to–a disaster in your community or beyond.
An unparalleled opportunity stands before us to share Christ by offering Christian care in times of disaster. Christ’s mercy is at the center of LERT training and is the basis for everything we do.
If you have a desire to be a part of a Michigan District LERT Team, you must complete LERT training. We have a scheduled training on October 7, 2017 at Trinity, Utica, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After you complete the training, you will receive your certificate and volunteer certification badge from LCMS Disaster Response and the LCMS Office of National Mission. You can then join or form a team. For more information or to register, click here. The Michigan District LERT teams will be waiting to hear from FEMA and the Texas District as to a timeframe of when it is best to send a team to assist with the cleanup.
There are other things you can do to help without having to travel. First and foremost, please pray for those affected by these storms, and the relief efforts that will be taking place in the weeks, months, and years to come.
You can also use your gifts and donate dollars. LCMS agencies and the Texas District are on the ground and will put those dollars to good use.
Finally, you and your congregation can organize kits with essential cleanup and hygiene supplies. Peace, Saginaw is currently assembling flood buckets with essential cleaning supplies that will be delivered to Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School in Houston, Texas. Trinity, Utica will be preparing flood buckets and Trinity, Clinton Township will be preparing hygiene kits to send with our Michigan District LERT teams when they go to Texas.
We know many of our congregations/schools are doing a variety of things to show their support for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Thank you for continuing to be the People of Hope in our Michigan District who are vigorously making known the love of Christ by serving their brothers and sisters in need.
If you’d like to know more about Michigan District LERT, contact Travis Grulke at 734.213.4258 or, Paul Rogers at, or Rev. Gary Richard at
Photo (c) guido72/iStock