To celebrate Lutheran Schools Week (LSW), we collected devotions written by elementary school children. In this blog, 12 students from St. Michael Lutheran School in Portage interpreted the 2021 theme verse, Matthew 20:28.
“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).
This verse means so much to me and it’s so cool that God’s son died on the cross for us. You can be nice and kind and spread the Word of Christ. ~Kennedy
This verse means that I can be like Jesus and serve others. ~Mia
This verse means God loves us. You can help people and you can help anyone. I can tell others about God. ~Brielle
This verse means that I know Jesus came to save everyone. I can be like Jesus by telling others about God. I can serve others by helping them. ~Penelope
This verse means that we can be like Jesus and serve like Jesus. We can be helpful like Jesus. We can be nice like Jesus. We can be generous like Jesus. ~Ben
This verse means that Jesus loves me and that He wants to serve us. We can serve others. We can do that by saying nice words. ~Max
We can be like Jesus. We can read His Word and serve others. ~Luke
We can serve others by getting them Bibles and telling them that God loves them. Tell them that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We can serve like Jesus. ~Alyssa
Believing God because He saved us from our sins and helping people when they fall—that is how we can be like God. ~Natalie
The verse means to help your mom and dad or friends by doing something for them. ~Nolan
You can help and serve other people. You can be like Jesus. ~Hunter
This verse means that God loves you. You can help other people. You can play with other people. ~Kael
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