
Were YOU There?2 min read

Were you there…?

A thorn-torn brow, and a body bloody, bruised, beaten, whipped, stripped, and spat upon.


A drink refused. Garments divided. Lots cast for a seamless cloak (Mark 15:23–24; John 19:24).


Outstretched arms nailed to a crossbeam high and lifted up onto a vertical stake with nails driven into His feet—from noon (the 6th hour) to about 3 p.m. (the 9th hour) [Mark 15:25, 34].


“He saved others, but cannot save Himself.” “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” they shouted. “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing,” He prayed (Luke 23:34).


One on His left: “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself—and us!” The other felon on His right rebukes the first, admitting their common wrong-doing and the innocence of Jesus, and then turns to the center cross: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise,” He replies (Luke 23:39–43).


The lone disciple along with the three Marys (Jesus’ mom, His aunt, and His friend Mary Magdalene) is at the foot of the cross. Provision for His mother is made with His words: “Woman, here is your son” and to John, the beloved, “Here is your mother” (John 19:26–27).


The sky darkens and Jesus cries out, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Forsaken by the Father, so that you will not.


Then to fulfill the Scriptures: “I am thirsty.” Vinegar water is supplied and the words uttered, “It is finished” (John 19:28–30). Scripture has been fulfilled and God’s great plan to save mankind has been accomplished. God’s anointed One, the Christ is also Isaiah’s “Suffering Servant” (Isaiah 53). A perfect life lived fulfilling the law of God and He now has taken upon Himself the sins of all humanity from Adam until Kingdom come—the innocent One suffered for the guilty (for YOU). It is accomplished indeed!


The final words, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46). Then one final breath and He dies—He dies for you!


Where you there? YES! You were there… through your baptism. You were there… through your hearing. You were there… through your eating and drinking the body and blood of your Savior. You were there… forgiven!!

Photo © Romolo Tavani/iStock

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Donna J Zuehlk - April 7, 2023

Very nice