Three Michigan District Educators Received top honors from the Lutheran Education Association (LEA): Mr. Brian Young, Ms. Paula Myers, and Mr. Charles Winterstein. Below are excerpts of LEA’s press releases announcing each award recipient.
Brian Young Selected for 2020 Distinguished Retired Lutheran Educator “EncourAGING” Award

Mr. Brian Young was selected to receive LEA’s Distinguished Retired Lutheran Educator EncourAGING Award. He lives in Bay City, Mich.
Young graduated from Concordia University Chicago in 1967 and officially retired from the teaching ministry in 2008. He served as teacher in schools in San Francisco, Calif., St. Joseph, Mich., and as principal in Bay City, Mich. For 32 years. In 1996, Young was honored as the Michigan District Lutheran school principal of the year.
He serves as vice president of LEAP—Lutheran Education Advancement Plan, an “effort that brings together representatives from 22 Lutheran churches/schools, seeking cooperatively to ‘Advance Lutheran Education for Future Generations across the Great Lakes Bay Region.’” He chairs a LEAP Effectiveness Training for Education Boards Task Force, which assists boards in improving their work.
Young’s nominators explained, “Brian is tireless in investigating, connecting, communicating his passion for well-run Lutheran schools. Brian was the long time principal at Immanuel, Bay City. He served 15–20 years on the District NLSA Commission. His entire ministry is marked by a passion for excellence in Lutheran schools. He models Christ to those who meet him.”

Paula Myers named 2020 LEA Distinguished Lutheran Middle School Teacher
Paula Myers was selected to receive Lutheran Education Association’s 2020 Distinguished Lutheran Middle School Teacher Award. She teaches at Trinity Lutheran School in Utica, Mich. During her 33 years of teaching, she has also served Michigan Lutheran schools in Saginaw and Port Huron.
Myers earned a bachelor’s degree in English and education from Concordia University Ann Arbor.
Myers’ nominator said, “She understands what it means to be in school ministry. She feels blessed to be in her role. Visitors will note a lighthearted climate in her classroom with a sense of duty that remains. Paula melds both mom and mentor into the manner in which she interacts with the students. She smiles, her students smile. She takes leadership roles. She is a natural communicator. She corresponds with parents in a way that builds trust. She is accessible to her students who need extra assistance. A trait that is very much appreciated is that Mrs. Myers is consistent. She does not display frustration. She rolls with it. She is so even tempered. Paula has a certain peace about her. This must be a byproduct of her faith in Jesus.”
Charles Winterstein is LEA’s 2020 Christus Magister

Charles (Chuck) Winterstein was selected by LEA’s Board of Directors to receive LEA’s top honor, the Christus Magister Award. Since 1965, this most prestigious Lutheran Education Association award has been presented to Lutheran educators who have made significant contributions to Lutheran education.
Winterstein is assistant to the superintendent of schools in the LCMS Michigan District. He previously served in positions including teacher and coach, assistant principal and principal, university instructor, director of development and marketing, education executive for the Mid-South District, and Concordia Ann Arbor’s vice president, executive vice president, and acting president. Among previous honors and recognitions are U.S. Department of Education National Distinguished Principal and National Distinguished Lutheran Principal, in addition to state education honors in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Ohio.
Winterstein earned a B.A. in curriculum and instruction and an M.A. in educational administration from Concordia University Chicago and is a Certified Development Executive and a Lutheran Leaders Program Fellow.
Winterstein’s nominator said, “Chuck has been the definition of a servant! And what I admire most is his desire to be a champion for students in any way that he can. He loves our Lutheran schools and desires excellence so our students have the very best. I’m grateful for his leadership and know that so many others have been blessed by it as well.”
Congratulations to these outstanding educators!

Gordon Kennedy - February 20, 2020
Well done good and faithful servant. You are great choices. Very impressed!