Father in heaven, you are the Creator of all things and therefore source of all things; and to you alone do we owe thanks and praise. Most especially, we give you thanks that we can call you “Father” because of your Son, Jesus Christ whose sacrificial suffering and death on the cross provided payment for our sin and whose triumphant resurrection gives us hope and new life through Spirit-worked faith in Him.
We confess that, like children, we have often been less than thankful for all your care and gifts. We often think that somehow we are “entitled” to your generosity or that we have somehow “earned” all we have by our own hard work and effort. Forgive us and instruct our hearts, by the power of your Holy Spirit, toward true gratitude.
This national day of thanksgiving was established during a time of the chaos and conflict of our civil war. What an important focus to retain amid the continued chaos of our lives in the context of a world where wars continue to rage, fear is epidemic, and death seems to demand victory. Thank you that you continue to be sovereign over all the affairs of mankind as you rule in power and grace on behalf of your Church. Until your Son comes again to reign in glory, may “your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Thank you that you “give us each day our daily bread.” You provide all that we need to sustain this body and life. Direct and help us to be instruments of your answer to that prayer in the lives of others less fortunate than we.
Holy Spirit, direct the hearts of our nation’s leaders and her people to call upon you for wisdom; and may we truly be thankful. May we become a nation of grateful people.
In Jesus’ name and for your glory,
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