Making big decisions can be nerve-wracking, frustrating, overwhelming, and frightening. Buying a car. Which job to take. Whom to marry. Where to live. Which health treatment to utilize. Continuing or discontinuing life support. These are just some of the decisions that can paralyze us with fear. I’ve made my fair share of such decisions, but they can still tie me up in knots.
This past couple of weeks I’ve found myself running in circles in my head as I’ve been trying to decide how to continue with the publication of the book I just wrote. Writing the book didn’t take too long … just a few weeks once I made the time. I’ve been thinking about this book for years, as it summarizes the key thoughts on marriage and relationships that I’ve shared in blogs, papers, seminars, and sermons. Now, however, I’m overwhelmed with all the factors to consider about the best route to take for publication. There are factors of control, costs, marketing, distribution, trust, and more.
Finally, I was reminded of my own teaching to keep my “thumb up” to Jesus. That is, I put Jesus first above everything else. If my thumb represents Jesus, then keeping my thumb up reminds me that I’m the palm and my fingers are all the people in my life. I receive everything I need from Jesus and then His love, peace, and joy flow through me to the people around me. As I keep my thumb up to Jesus with my focus on Him first, His wisdom also flows into me as I seek to make decisions in my relationships with all the people around me.
So, when it comes to the big decisions in life, gathering facts and figures is important. In the end, though, I need to trust the Lord Who said these words in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (ESV).
Jesus loves me. He wants what’s best for me. My first steps in this and every decision are to:
- Call upon Him in prayer and seek what He has taught in His Word;
- then, study the matter as best as I can;
- talk to people I trust;
- finally, make the best decision I can; and
- move on.
Sometimes things won’t turn out as I had hoped. Sometimes I will second guess my decision. But I know it’s all in the loving hands of Jesus. He freely forgives any mistakes I make. He will bring good even from what seems bad. He will guide me with His peace. “Thumbs up” to Jesus. With that priority clear, we can be sure He will bless every decision we make along the path of life in His way.
Rev. Biermann’s book, Handing Out Life, on marriage and all relationships as Jesus taught is now available. For more information about the author and his work, visit
Photo (c) Sergey Nivens/iStock.