Do you ever just have a mini conversation with God about the most ludicrous topics? For example, are you ever sitting in class mindlessly staring off into space and talking to God about how much you loathe those gross mushrooms your mom makes you eat? Well, that’s okay to talk about simple things. I do it all the time.
My point is that it is good to talk to God about anything and everything, even mushrooms. But you shouldn’t just talk to Him about simple things; you should also talk to Him about the ceaseless troubles you go through. I guess for most people that is sort of a no-brainer, but it’s key to a good relationship with God.
In the book of Psalms, the Psalmist states that God is an ever-present help in trouble, and to be still, because He is God. I feel as if prayer and this Psalm tie together because, since God is an ever-present help in trouble, you should be able to talk to Him, right? In fact, He craves to talk with you. He wants to know everything about you, which makes God even more wonderful that He would want to know even us or help us in our troubles.
For example, as a student, I lead a stressed life. Tests almost every week, quizzes every week, homework assigned all the time, and all sorts of other things that pile on to my stress. I’m sure you know what I am talking about, and you’re probably thinking that an eighth grader going through stress is not a big deal.
In reality, it can be a big deal. On top of all the stress students face, their home life greatly impacts how they handle their stress.
In my case, I used to have a hard time with school because of the many upsetting factors in my school that would affect my perspective on life. I started feeling depressed because I perceived every day to be the same as the day before. Each day felt like a repeat of the last day. My self-image was poor and I was a little bit negative, but through God, I gradually adopted a positive view on life. He listened to all my troubles, and in the end helped me change my lifestyle. This is because He is an ever-present help in trouble, and He will help you, too.
Dear Lord, please help me in my everyday life to understand it is okay to talk to you about my needs and problems. I pray that I would continue to trust in you and pray to you. Life is short, and it also brings forth many hardships, but I know you always hear my prayers and will always be with me. Amen.
Bible Verse: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
–Devotion written by Danielle, grade 8, Trinity Lutheran School in Monitor
Photo (c) Prixel Creative/Lightstock

Dawn Ohlendorf - March 7, 2019
Good insight and encouragement to lean on God