
People of Hope: Encouraged, Connected, and Unstoppable3 min read

We are People of Hope. We believe that Jesus continues to do what He has done: build His Kingdom in us and through us. While it might not always look like it, that is the case. We are certain of it even if we cannot see it. That is what it means to be People of Hope.

Discouragement surrounds the Church. Numbers are down. Pews are empty. Nones are up. Hand-wringing books about the Church abound. Because we are people of hope, while the discouragement surrounds us, it does not stick to us.

Discouragement started to stick to the prophet Elijah. While he had had an amazing victory over the prophets of Baal, we was down. He had run afoul of Jezabel and her husband Ahab. He was convinced he was a goner.

“I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too” (1 Kings 19:10).

Do you remember what YHWH said? “Last one? Not even close! There are over 7,000 others who have not bowed their knees to Baal.” Things were not as bad as Elijah thought. He was not as alone as he thought.

You too. Us too.

We are not as alone as we might think. Not only is Jesus with us (“Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” [Matthew 28:20]), but there are more Christ followers around us than we might realize. Your church might be emptier than it once was, but not everyone’s is. It might look like the secular culture has triumphed, but Jesus is still at work by his Spirit. It’s not unlike that famous line from Mark Twain: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

Throughout this year across the District we are going to focus on this reality. We are not alone. God is building His Kingdom. “Last one left? There are 7,000 others who have not bowed their knee to Baal.” We should be encouraged. And we should be determined to work together in that reality.

Our consideration of this theme will begin with the We Are Not Alone Conference. We look forward to laity and their pastors from around the state to gather for encouragement but also to better understand how we can live out our “not aloneness” as we work together in ministry with other Christians in our community.

This theme that will focus on continued encouragement, networking, and community engagement will continue throughout the year in various other conferences, training, and communication pieces.

The high point of the year will be our District Convention, June 22–24, at Concordia University Ann Arbor. While we normally have 800 or so participants, we hope to engage well over 7,000 people in the convention this year. How? Starting with participation in pre-convention Bible studies and later, during the convention, with opportunities for service as delegates, hospitality workers, food providers, worshippers, ministry representatives, and visitors. Plan now to get connected.

Someone has said that pessimism is a sin for people of hope. Not sure on that. But I am sure of this: As people whose hope is in the crucified, raised, ascending, reigning, and returning Jesus, and as people who are part of the Communion of Saints, while from time to time we may get discouraged, we maintain hope. We are certain that God is with us and for us, and we are certain that there are more with us than we realize.

So people of God, serve your Savior with gusto. Be dauntless and hopeful. That’s the sort of people we are: People of Hope.

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About the Author

Rev. David A. Davis serves as President of the Michigan District, LCMS.

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Lisa Hoesl - January 7, 2025

Pastor Davis, Beautiful and inspiring message. I will be attending the We are Not Alone conference at Our Saviour. They are so starting a study of The Great Dechurching by Davis Graham. I am looking forward to what we, The People of Hope, can do.

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