For as long back as I can remember in my childhood, all ever wanted to be when I grew up was a teacher. I was that little girl with a bedroom full of dolls—each one with a name and a distinct personality. I was not their “mother,” but the finest young teacher they could ever want! As I sat them on the floor around me, we had lessons, listened to Bible stories, sang songs, made craft projects, and I remember one time even making each one of them a report card! Most of the time, I played school all by myself and loved every minute of it.
As I reflect on those warm memories of my childhood, I am certain that the Lord was calling and preparing me even then to be a Lutheran School teacher. My own grade school and high school education all took place in public schools. The only experience I had with Christian education was my weekly attendance in our Sunday school. However, I clearly remember it: as I was so earnestly teaching my dolls the lessons they would need for life, I always included Bible stories and Sunday school songs!
When the time came to pick a college, the only place I even applied for was Concordia University (then College) in Seward, Neb. I knew without a doubt that it was where I was supposed to be. At age 18, I was finally able to attend a Lutheran School! Well, as they say, the rest is history. I have now been teaching in Lutheran Schools for over 30 years and can still sincerely say I love everything about it!
During my teaching years, I have worked in many grade levels but have always had a class of Kindergarteners. Every Kindergarten teacher should write a book about the funny things children this age say—part of serving is all the joy and laughter this job brings!
My current classroom windows face the front entrance of the church, and one morning we could see several black limousines lined up as a funeral was in progress in the church. One of my bright young boys came up to me and told me in a very serious tone, “Mrs. Hermann, I think the President is here!” Good thinking for 5 years old!
A little girl, who knew I always prayed for those who were sick, told me, “Mrs. Hermann, could you please pray for my mom this morning; she has the diarrhea!” Perhaps that is a bit of an overshare, but she was very sincere!
There was a student who lives in the same neighborhood as I do and came to my house trick-or-treating on Halloween. My husband and I always enjoy passing out candy to the children, but who knew my student would go home and tell his mom, “I saw Mrs. Hermann and she lives with a man!” I guess they really do think I live in the classroom! Could a job be any more fun than this?
I have been blessed to serve in the same Lutheran School my entire teaching career. One of the many benefits has been watching the children I have taught over the years grow up. When they come back to visit me and tell stories of the things they remember, I am always amazed and touched at the influence I have had—many times without even realizing it. Because we are privileged, in our Lutheran schools, to share the love of Jesus every day, we are planting seeds that can last a lifetime. This has always made me feel like a complete teacher—truly preparing children for the most important and lasting lesson they will need for life!
I realize that I will not be a Lutheran teacher forever, and retirement will be calling me in the not too distant future. I often think about what I want people to remember about me when I am no longer teaching every day. My prayer is that they will say: “Mrs. Hermann loved going to work every day.” (And I certainly do!); or “Mrs. Hermann really enjoyed working with Kindergarten-aged children!” (They are certainly the best!); or “Mrs. Hermann valued the truly important things in life, she was someone who knew, loved, and served the Lord Jesus Christ!”
Why do I love serving in a Lutheran School? It has been the most fulfilling thing in my life. God has used the talents and gifts He has given me—beyond my wildest dreams!