On December 4, 2014, CUAA held a Sending Service for the students who received their internship assignments and are going to be relocating in January. A total of 41 students were sent and blessed this day: 9 from the School of Education, 8 from the Family Life program, and 24 from the Haab School of Business. These sending services happen once a semester (in the fall and in the spring), in the second to last week of school.
The chapel service, led by Rev. Ryan Peterson, included a moment of prayer when family, friends, and faculty came forward and laid their hands on the students to pray for them. The students also received a CUAA-colored ribbon with their names: the black ribbons stood for the Haab School of Business, white for the Family Life Program, and red for the School of Education. They were then invited to hook their ribbons to a “prayer pole.” This pole will be placed at the entrance of the chapel so people will remember to pray for them. Upon giving up their ribbons, the students received a similar, smaller ribbon to take with them and so remember they are a part of the CUAA community, which sent them and will be praying for them.
God’s blessings to these students as they go out into the world and put their knowledge into practice.