
A Church Worker’s Perspective: Laura Kitzman3 min read

I was raised Lutheran, and my family was always involved in our church. We prayed at home, and we attended and helped with VBS, Sunday School, Youth Group, and many other church events. I attended public elementary and high school, and never went to a Lutheran school until I had the opportunity to attend Concordia University Ann Arbor (CUAA). That experience changed my life. I had always enjoyed working with children, and I planned to go into either nursing or education, but after not being accepted into my first choice college, I decided to attend Concordia. That was such a work of the Holy Spirit!  Going to Concordia and experiencing life with friends who were going into the teaching ministry cemented that this was something I felt called to do. I had a high quality undergrad and later graduate education and experience at CUAA that prepared me well for becoming a Lutheran school teacher.


I’ve taught preschool, Kindergarten, first grade, second grade, several 1-2 splits, one year of a 1-2-3 split, and have been preschool director at two schools. I’ve also been a school music director, librarian, art teacher, and am currently teaching first grade again (my favorite!).

I think the experiences that have grown me as a church worker are the incredible opportunities I’ve been blessed with to learn from godly, gifted leaders (both pastors and principals) as I worked with them and was mentored by them. Their passion and dedication to creating caring, quality schools and churches encouraged me to keep striving to do my best to serve in the same way. I would also include the blessing of serving with some incredibly creative and talented teachers who have become great blessings as supportive friends in my life, and have encouraged me often.

Most Helpful Resources From the District

Being able to attend both the Early Childhood conferences and the Lutheran teacher/church workers conferences have been helpful resources for both learning from and networking with other Lutheran professionals.

Greatest Need

I greatly value prayer support—I always am encouraged when I get a postcard from the District saying they prayed for me, or when school parents, church members, and my own family members pray with me or keep me in their prayers. Ministry can sometimes be hard and I feel those prayers!

Favorite Bible Verse

My favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” This is one of my “life” verses because it is such a clear roadmap for living life as a Christ follower—trust Him, acknowledge Him, don’t depend on yourself, and He will make a way for you even when you can’t see a way.

Advice to Those Considering Church Work

First, I would encourage them to talk to any current church workers they know. Shadow them, ask questions, learn from them. Pray, and ask others to pray for you as you decide. It is a very rewarding calling, with the opportunities to allow the Holy Spirit to use you in ways you might never have imagined.

Photo courtesy of Laura Kitzman. Collage photos by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS.

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About the Author

This blog was published by the Communications Department of the Michigan District, LCMS.

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Jane Guse’ - October 22, 2024

Amen, Laura! I’m thankful we’ve crossed paths many times over the years while studying and serving here in Michigan! I’m most thankful we were able to serve together and support each other through the pandemic! You are a blessing to all who know you! 🥰

Bill Strang - October 22, 2024

I enjoyed reading your blog. May our Lord continue to bless you and your family. St. Matthew, Walled Lake was blessed to have you as a teacher and parent.

Bill Strang - October 22, 2024

I enjoyed reading your blog. St. Matthew, Walled Lake was blessed to have you as a teacher and parent.

Laura Kitzman - October 27, 2024

Thank you, Jane and Bill! It was a blessing to serve with both of you.