We’re all good Bible students, right? So when you hear “40 days” or “40 years” you immediately think of a time of testing or learning that happens to one of God’s people, a group of God’s people, or even to Jesus. Why is that important to you, a pastor’s wife? Because, you are being encouraged to spend 40 hours at an event that will bring you revitalization, challenge, and spiritual growth.
Here are three reasons a pastor’s wife should be encouraged to attend this year’s Katie Conference:
Everyone, even the pastor’s wife, needs a chance to regroup and be restored. Let’s face it – our lives as the wife of a pastor are not harder than anyone else’s. But sometimes we encounter unique challenges. This year’s conference is positioned right after that marathon we call Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. No one needs to remind us what those days demand of us as clergy families. The celebration is fantastic, but the workload during those days can be crushing. Wouldn’t it be great to have a few moments to yourself to just relax minus any demands? Even Jesus knew how to enjoy some fellowship and relax with His friends. We are offering you 40 hours of time to yourself and with friends with no one asking you to play the organ, run the nursery, or bring egg-bake to the Easter breakfast.
Even now, we are designing four Bible studies that will challenge you to think more deeply about your faith. Each of us can admit that we could take more time to examine the Word and allow it to inform and transform our character. These 40 hours contain ample opportunity for you to share conversation with others who understand your situation and who will listen patiently as you process the Scripture verses set before us. God’s Word always brings challenge to our lives and moves us into a deeper understanding of where we have sinned and where we have received God’s life-giving grace. Facing challenges can be difficult, but when done together, the results can be that much sweeter.
Spiritual Growth
At last year’s conference, we pressed into the goal of spiritual growth for everyone who attended, and that will be our goal again this year. You will have experiences in large group instruction, small group conversation, and the all-important personal reflection. Combine these things with heart-felt worship and you are guaranteed to walk away with a deeper sense of your importance to God and His importance to you. We come together as sisters in the Lord for the purpose of learning to love Him more and to support one another with love. It’s a perfect combination.
This year’s theme, “Identity Check: Remind Me Who I Am,” is designed with you in mind. You will have a chance to think through your own identity as a daughter of the Most High God and what that means to your life as wife, mother, and yes, even as a pastor’s wife. Take 40 hours and give them to the Lord, for He has great things in store for you at the Katie Conference this year. It will be time well spent and you will be glad you came.