Intentional. adjective. done by intention or design : intended
Intention. noun. the thing that you plan to do or achieve : an aim or purpose
Mission. noun. a) a specific task with which a person or a group is charged; b) a preestablished and often self-imposed objective or purpose
The mission of the Michigan District of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod is to vigorously make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches (congregations), communities, and world.
We have a task. We have a purpose. Yet things are always changing around us, making it difficult for us to keep focused and act intentionally instead of merely reacting.
So how can we be intentional about our ministry—and persevere—amid the constant change? In “Envisioning Your Church in 5 Years,” President David P. E. Maier and Rev. Rob Kasper, of the Michigan District, provide invaluable insights into the issue of change and how to press on toward the final goal. Pres. Maier says, “Even in this time of change, God is not surprised; and He got us where He wants us.”
The Six Keys to an Intentional Ministry Mindset
Based on Scriptures and on current scholarship (a list of resources is provided here:, the webinar examines two critical considerations for envisioning your ministry’s preferred future, and culminates with six keys to ‘staying the course’ with an intentional ministry mindset. These include:
1. Spend time with the God who calls you.
2. Seek affirming fellowship.
3. Be a life-long learner.
4. Resist cynicism.
5. Keep an accurate view of human nature.
6. Establish long-range goals.
For a deeper understanding of each of these points listed, and much more, be sure to check out the Webinar.
“God gives us much of our identity as leaders and as congregations. There are lots of ‘givens’ here. The variable is the community, the context, and that’s going to help you envision your congregation in 5 years” (Rev. Dr. David P. E. Maier).