Detroit churches have engaged in being one as Jesus prayed in John 17. Two years ago, three Acts 2 Enterprise (A2E) churches in Detroit decided to close the gap and join in the endeavor of expanding the Kingdom of God. The joint endeavor is called the Philippian Ministry, based out of the letter to the church in the city of Philippi. The apostle Paul commended this church for supporting him in his missionary trips when others were not able.
In a similar way Berea, Bethany, and St. Philip decided that each congregation would set aside $1,500 every year. At the end of each year, one of the churches would receive $1,500.00 from the churches, including what they also gathered. The total amount of $4,500.00 would go to an outreach activity. The objective is to empower and support the ministries to implement a creative strategy to connect with their community.
A year ago, St. Philip received the offering which was used to expand their computer literacy and tutorial outreach. They purchased the additional software and system which would assist in the band and speed frequency moving faster through the building (which had not been possible because of the wall structure impeding the transmission). Their computer café is made available to the community 3 days a week.
This past November, Berea Lutheran received the offering which will be used to purchase evangelistic and outreach material for canvassing. In addition to this, they will use funding to support their hot food outreach and the purchase of discipleship material.
Bethany will be the 2018 recipient. Discussions are under way as to how the funds will be utilized. To learn more about A2E, click here.
Photo: Rev. Brian Dupre, from Berea, Detroit with the offerings given by Bethany and St. Philip.