Someone once said that God gives technology to the Church first, for His purpose and not for the purposes of man. Certainly, God has given us many new tools of technology that could help deliver the Good News of the Gospel in one form or another and may help with our daily work in the Church.
The Church Extension Fund in the Michigan District has recently surpassed the $280 million mark in total assets. Humbled by the growth of the Fund, which God has provided, the CEF Board of Trustees has adopted a special program to share the blessing with all the congregations in the District.
Church Extension Fund announces the Grant and Loan Program for Technology in an effort to further carry out our mission of helping churches carry forward the Great Commission.
The Grant for Technology Program reimburses any Michigan District congregation with a gift of up to $1,000 to help pay for the purchase of new equipment for use in the church or school. Additionally, CEF will grant a 10% reimbursement of dollars spent on technology over and above the first $1,000! To receive a reimbursement check, simply submit a Technology Grant Application and copy of a receipt or invoice for the item(s) purchased. Checks will be made payable to the congregation or may be made payable directly to the vendor, if preferred. The receipt or invoice must be in the name of the congregation and not an individual.
The Loan Program for Technology is a five-year, low-interest loan at 2.25% to congregations desiring to purchase technology equipment in addition to the funds provided by the grant. To apply for this one time special loan program, submit a letter of request on church stationery and include, 1) copies of invoices or vouchers listing items to be purchased; 2) evidence of congregation’s approval to borrow (voter’s meeting minutes); 3) most recent financial reports. Loan approval is subject to CEF’s usual credit criteria.
Examples of eligible items included in both the Grant and Loan Programs are: computer hardware and software, printers, scanners, digital cameras, video cameras, DVD players, digital projectors, projection screens, tablets, TV monitors, sound systems and equipment. Other office equipment, such as, copy machines, telephones, fax machines, etc. are not eligible for this program.
The Grant and Loan Program for Technology is available for purchases and orders made now until December 31, 2015. For additional information, contact the CEF office at 800-242-3944 or visit our web site at