
Are you at a Crossroad in Urban Ministry?1 min read

Whether you live in the country, city, or a suburb, there are crossroads. People will often refer to crossroads to determine their location or find a destination. I’ve had crossroads in my life—people who have impacted my life through prayer. Jesus also came into people’s lives to impact them; He listened to their stories, shared His truth, and then invited them to be a part of who He was and what He was doing. That was a crossroad.

Sometimes in ministry there is a great need and often resources are lacking. God wants to maximize the church’s potential. He does that by placing partners in our life. If you are a church worker or lay person, I would like to invite you to this year’s Urban Institute. There we will hear from powerful speakers from the medical field, higher education, government, and non-profit organizations. God wants you to use your place and your passion in order to extend His kingdom. I believe God will use the Urban Institute to change your life.

This year’s Urban Institute takes place September 17-19, 2017 at Bethany Lutheran Church in Detroit, Mich. The institute will focus on the connection between the cross and the community.  Jesus entered into history to be the constructive solution for flawed humanity, broken systems, and fractured communities. Sin created systemic issues and global inequities, which the body of Christ finds itself strategically positioned within proximity to address. Institute speakers include: Rev. Dietrick Gladden, Bill Hardiman, Patti Jacquest, Chaplain Corey Kennard, Rev. Dr. John Nunes, and Paula Sadler.

Registration is $50/person, but do not let cost prohibit your team from attending. Scholarships are available.

For more information, or to register, click here.

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About the Author

Rev. Christopher Bodley is Missionary-at-large in Detroit for A2E for the Michigan District, LCMS and pastor of Bethany, Detroit.

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