Our Lutheran Schools Week theme verse, “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9), concludes a paragraph focused on thanks. Paul first “gives thanks to my God always for you” and then highlights these blessings:
- “The grace of God that was given you;”
- “You were enriched in Him (Christ) in all speech and all knowledge;”
- “You are not lacking in any spiritual gift.”
The Corinthians were a raucous bunch, yet Paul not only found reason for thanks—he saw them as confirmation of God’s faithfulness! By most standards, Lutheran schools are not raucous. Yet those of us who learn and teach in Lutheran schools know we can have our days. However, like the Corinthians, Lutheran schools offer plenty of reasons for thanks. So, at the end of this second Lutheran Schools Week, join me in thanking God for making His faithfulness evident through:
- Lessons that challenge students to explore God’s creation;
- Parents who encourage and support teachers;
- Singing that gives students the opportunity to beautifully express their faithfulness;
- Congregations who value the ministry of their Lutheran School;
- Leaders, in the board room and front office, who keep Lutheran schools focused on Jesus;
- Teachers who teach their kids and love them as brothers and sisters in Christ;
- Games that allow students to put their best efforts on display for all to see and, in the process, give witness to their faith in Jesus;
- Computers that work—at least most of the time;
- Lunches that are not only healthy, but often prepared by the students’ own moms and grandmas;
- Heating systems that work—all the time;
- Students who surprise us with the way that God uses them. Sometimes today; sometimes in years to come.
In the 1970s, Al Senske, then the Secretary of Schools for the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, established Lutheran Schools Week with one purpose in mind: He wanted all, both within and outside the LCMS, to take a moment and appreciate the many blessings God gives through Lutheran schools. The list above is only the start. What would you add to the “Life Together in Christ” that happens every day at Lutheran schools all over the world?
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