Jesus said, ‘Love your neighbor.’ Who is your neighbor? When Jesus answered this question, He told the parable that we know as the Good Samaritan. You can find this parable in Luke 10:25-37.
A man is robbed, beaten, and left for dead. Three people walk by and see the man and only one helps. The first two people were church people, wealthy people, and people who knew well the law of God. These two people are the ones who should have helped. These two people are the people we would expect to help the ones in need. We expect them to help their neighbor.
These two men do not help!
The third one walks by and sees the man in need. He has compassion. He helps. This third man should not be a friend of the hurt man. These two men were different in culture. They should have been enemies.
Instead the Samaritan, the Gentile, the one outside of God’s kingdom, puts the hurt man on his donkey and takes him to an inn to be cared for and healed. This man goes above and beyond what is expected since it would have been expected that he walk by.
Jesus turns everything upside down in this story. The ‘church’ people do not help and the ‘outsider’ does what is right. It seems the answer to who is your neighbor is everyone. Or at least those put in your path even if they are not like you.
St. Paul kindergarteners have been busy over the past several weeks. They have been colleting socks, hats, soap, toothpaste, mittens, mints, snacks, Kleenex, and scarves. On Thursday, Oct. 15, they packed these things in bags to share with homeless people in Ann Arbor. Almost 100 bags were assembled, and each student took home five bags that their families can share with people in need that they see in the community. The rest of the bags will be shared through Alpha House. This project was special because the students participated in it from the planning stage through distributing. A big thank you goes out to Dr. Kimberly Rice for donating toothbrushes and toothpaste and to Thrivent Financial for a $250 grant. The students also wrote a note that says, “Jesus loves you,” and has our theme verse of “He knows your name” from Isaiah 43:1. St. Paul school shares!
We pray that, as these families take these bags, they can be a neighbor to those who are different from them. Love your neighbor and have compassion on those around you! This is what Jesus does and says!

Photos courtesy of St. Paul Lutheran School