
Ten Tons of Humanitarian Relief Sent to Panama1 min read

Nearly 10 tons of humanitarian supplies and relief were shipped October 26th from Orphan Grain Train—Michigan to Puerto Caimito, La Chorrera, Panama. Thirty volunteers at the OGT-MI Center in Sebewaing loaded hospital beds, dozens of wheelchairs and walkers, medical and orthopedic equipment, hundreds of quilts, and clothing amounting to 1,400 boxes of humanitarian goods. This was another exciting culmination of processing donated goods received from caring Christians, churches, and organizations which support the Orphan Grain Train humanitarian mission. The Gospel accompanies every project of Orphan Grain Train as the love of Christ is extended around the world. This newest international shipment was to Casa de Refugio (House of Refuge) and was notable for including over 1,200 sundresses (pillowcase dresses) lovingly sewn by five devoted women at St. John, Ionia. Theirs is but one example of the generous efforts united in support of Orphan Grain Train’s goal to share resources and bring Christ’s name and character to needy people both far and near.

Photos courtesy of OGT-MI


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About the Author

Rev. Dave Reed is the Branch Manager of Orphan Grain Train--Michigan in Sebewaing

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