“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).
These words come to mind as the sound of a baby’s cry filters down the stairs to the ministry offices at Abigayle Ministries. The cry is a sound of victory over the destructive, life-quenching actions of the abortionist.
This verse is foundational to the mission of Abigayle Ministries. The mission of this Christ-centered nonprofit 501(c)(3) in Sterling Heights, Mich. is to assist homeless pregnant women and their newborn infants by introducing them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping them to be self-sufficient through its residential program and community resources. So often, a woman’s decision to choose life for her child depends on knowing that there is a place for her to go where she can receive loving support, shelter, and resources necessary to support a life of wholeness made possible through Jesus Christ.
Many of the women who have called Abigayle Ministries “home” during their pregnancy, and the period that followed, are victims of emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse. The average resident is in her mid-20s and has a high school diploma. They are African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern — they look like your next door neighbor. The journey to being a new creation in Christ starts with a single tearful phone call from a young woman stating she is pregnant and she has nowhere else to go. One such phone call came from Deanna (name changed).
Deanna was facing an unplanned pregnancy. She had a dysfunctional relationship with the baby’s father who was a heroin addict. She isolated herself from her friends and felt she had no one to turn to when she became pregnant. Her mother tried to pressure her into an abortion, going so far as prepaying for one at a local clinic. Against her advice, she decided to go through with the pregnancy and considered adoption as an option. Deanna’s decision resulted in a breakdown in her relationship with her mother and her boyfriend. In anger, her boyfriend vandalized her car which rendered it as inoperable. Without transportation, Deanna was not able to support herself or go to school (college). Feeling as if she had no one to turn to, she decided to investigate shelters and found Abigayle Ministries. Through the ministry staff, Bible studies, and classes, Deanna was able to release the bitterness that was in her heart. Ultimately, she chose to give a gift of family through an open adoption of her son when he was born.
Today, she remains in contact with her birth son and his adoptive family, and he is doing very well. She works as a nurse, but her most important roles are that of a Christian wife and mother. Since living at Abigayle, she married a wonderful man. Together they have a two-year-old son and are expecting a daughter next month.
God’s restoration process in Deanna and others like her is made possible by the hearts and hands of the Body of Christ. Abigayle Ministries is one of the endorsed ministries at Shepherd’s Gate, Shelby Township. The church touches the lives of the women by tithing quarterly and encouraging members to share their time, talents, and treasures to help support the ministry. Throughout the year, individuals and life groups assist through monetary donations, helping with home improvement projects, mentoring residents through on-site Bible studies, assisting in the community resource center, giving clients a ride to appointments, or giving a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. They simply strive to be Jesus with skin on to those who need to see the tangible love of God at work in the world.
Shepherd’s Gate is one of many churches and organizations that support the ministry. Recently, six Lutheran churches in the Macomb area worked together to hold a women’s conference and used this opportunity to support Abigayle. Women were encouraged to bring an item to donate and a monetary donation was included in the ticket price. This resulted in a monetary donation of $1,500 and baby items that were valued in excess of $1,500. What an example of God at work through the community of believers in the Lutheran church!
Through God’s people, one partner at a time, Abigayle Ministries is able to extend: LIFE, HOPE, SHELTER, EDUCATION, and VICTORY IN JESUS – the real promise of a future that does not have to mirror the past. Let the sound of victory found in Jesus be heard in the voices of newborn babies.
To find out more about Shepherd’s Gate, Shelby Township’s outreach efforts towards Abigayle Ministries, please contact Susan Meyer at susan@abigayleministries.org.
Serving on teams are great places to connect with people while participating in meaningful service. Explore Shepherd’s Gate, Shelby Township’s organizational details and many opportunities for its Serving Teams at http://sgatechurch.org/servingteams/.