
Servants of Christ Meeting the Community’s Needs1 min read

Volunteers helping with the food truck

Trinity, St. Joseph supports a variety of social ministries, compassionately meeting the needs of God’s people. Our Community Dinner team of volunteers feeds 50–125 people a well-balanced, healthy meal for free once a month. At our dinner, we take referrals for our Sort and Share program. Sort and Share volunteers sort through donations twice a week and fill requests for clothing and small household goods which are delivered each month to 20–40 needy families.

Making plarn (plastic yarn) for mats

Our soup kitchen volunteer team gathers once a month at the Benton Harbor Soup Kitchen to prepare and serve a meal to 100-200 people.

Our Plarn ladies meet twice a month to turn plastic grocery bags into sleeping mats for the homeless. The mats provide a protective barrier from the cold, damp ground.

Our Mobile Food Pantry serves 124–160 families each month. Our guests gather for refreshments before the food distribution begins. Once the truck arrives, 6,000–9,000 pounds of food is distributed by a stalwart group of volunteers in less than 2 hours.

8th graders helping in the soup kitchen

We are blessed to have servants of Christ ranging in ages from 12–82. In March, we were blessed to serve alongside the next generation of faithful workers—students from Trinity Lutheran School and Michigan Lutheran High School (WELS) in St. Joseph. Praise God for His many blessings and the opportunity to glorify Him with our service.

Photos courtesy of Trinity, St. Joseph

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