
Handmade3 min read

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13 NIV).

The verse above was one of several used by Mr. Thomas Farrand, fifth grade teacher at Christ, Stevensville, in a recent Chapel message. He was talking to the students about their monthly Chapel project, Lutherans For Life, and sharing how all life is sacred and precious to God, the Creator of life.

One verse he used in particular, Psalm 139:13, struck me because of the word knit. Our Heavenly Father knitted us together in our mother’s womb. Mr. Farrand asked the students how many of them had moms or grandmothers who knit, and it hit me. My mom knitted. She knitted a lot!

My mother passed away about 18 years ago. Upon her death, she owned a house in Chicago, a car, had money in the bank, some CDs, and other things. When it was time to ‘break up house,’ the items her children and grandchildren spoke up to claim first were her handmade afghans and other assorted knitted items.

None of the things we wanted most were worth much monetarily, yet these were precious because they were handmade by mom. The items she knitted, to us, were priceless. Their value went way beyond mere money.

Christ Lutheran School is teaching its students, through a January Chapel project and every day of the year, that they are valued, priceless, and precious in God’s sight because their very being was personally formed by God’s own almighty hands.

Handmade – He knitted us together – in our mother’s womb.


Living In Faith Everyday. This year, LCMS Lutherans publicly demonstrated their support for the sanctity of life in two National Marches for Life. The first was held on Wednesday, January 22 in Washington D.C. and the other today, January 25, in San Francisco, Calif. As noted in The Reporter, “Since the Supreme Court’s decision in 1973, more than 55 million children have been aborted in the United States. The current estimate for the number of abortions performed every year is 1.2 million, which works out to more than 3,200 every day and one every 26 seconds.” (

Get connected locally!

Lutherans For Life of Michigan is prepared to assist churches in educating and equipping their children, teens, and adults to speak on behalf of those whom society deems as ‘burdens’ … the unborn, the mentally and physically challenged, the sick, and infirmed. Please contact Connie Davis at 586.949.9261 to discuss how LIFE ministry can be of service to your congregation and school.

Annually, Lutherans of all ages across Michigan join with St. Lorenz, Frankenmuth’s Christian Citizen Committee and travel by bus to Washington D.C. and back. Lutherans For Life’s mission is Equipping Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices for Life and includes the unborn and elderly. The LCMS Recognized Service Organization vision is that every Lutheran congregation upholds the God-given value of human life and influences society to do the same.

To learn more or get involved, visit or

Photo credit: this lyre lark via Flickr

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About the Author

Chuck Strohacker used to be the principal at Christ, Stevensville. He is retired now.

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