Three years ago, Jennifer Garcia, a mother of five children, came to St. Paul Community, Pontiac after hearing from her brother that furniture, dishes, clothing, and food were being distributed through the congregation’s Father’s Hands Ministry. Jennifer came weekly for bread and eventually attended Sunday worship services. She enrolled her children in the Sunday school and Vacation Bible School programs and a relationship budded between the church and her family. Jennifer sought Rev. Dietrick Gladden to perform her wedding. Soon afterwards, she and her fiancé, Manuel, became husband and wife.
Even though she only had a 1% chance of conceiving another child due to a medical procedure, Jennifer became pregnant. Many complications followed, and she was told she would lose the baby. After learning this, Jennifer prayed and attended worship services the following Sunday where she came to the altar for prayer and the laying on of hands. Soon after, Jennifer returned to her doctor for an ultrasound and, miraculously, the baby was OK! However, two months later, more problems came to light, one of which was the condition placenta previa. She was hospitalized for hemorrhaging four times, ending with a lengthy hospital stay.
When Jennifer delivered her son prematurely by C-section, there was a high risk of death to both mother and child. Although little Victor was born healthy, Jennifer’s blood levels dropped severely, causing fainting spells which resulted in blood transfusions and the need to remain hospitalized. By God’s love and grace, both mother and son survived.
Victor Manuel Escobedo is a child whose very life is a true miracle from God. During the sacrament of Holy Baptism, while they were kneeling before the Lord, rays of sunlight streamed through the stained glass window right over Jennifer and little Victor, who was in his father’s arms. This was a powerful moment as their infant son was surrounded by loving family and friends, some of which traveled all the way from Mexico to be a part of this tremendous event.