Eight-year old Peighton Wells took on a special challenge during her summer break. She felt that God was leading her to help others, so she went to her pastor, Rev. John Straub, and his wife, Suzanne, of Prince of Peace, Farmington Hills and expressed her passion in these words,
“I want to do something for someone else.”
Rev. Straub and Suzanne quickly jumped in to assist Wells. They saw the dedication and eagerness exuding from her and, in just a few weeks, helped her to focus on the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). When asked why CAF, her immediate response was,
“I love to play sports and these kids can’t because they need arms and legs. I want to help them get their arms and legs so they can play sports!”
Wells, with the help of her parents, Mark and Laura, developed an action plan. She decorated a donation container and the entire family worked on a bulletin board showing the special challenges and needs of the CAF children. She then bravely stood up in front of her church family and presented her desire to help other children and asked for help in raising money. With her infectious grin and determination, the challenge was presented, enthusiasm in the congregation grew, and fundraising began.
Wells quickly found her dream unfolding as she saw how God was leading others to help her reach out to children in need. In just a few short weeks, $783.95 was raised. She also saw a $100 bill for the very first time and learned how to make a detailed accounting of the donations. She counted every bill and coin herself. Her joy and enthusiasm have not diminished since the project ended, and she eagerly waits to do it again next summer with the help of her family. Wells is currently working on finding a charity for this summer’s challenge. She is certainly an inspiration for people of any age!