
Unwrapped Gifts2 min read

As I daily go about my duties as Assistant to the President for Development for the Michigan District, LCMS, I have an opportunity nearly every day (except weekends, of course) that very few others may ever experience. Most days I have the privilege of receiving a wrapped gift. In fact, on many days I receive more than one gift, and some days I may even receive many wrapped gifts, especially during the Christmas season.

Inside these wrapped gifts are the sacrificial gifts made by individuals, congregations, and organizations of the Michigan District, LCMS who have faithfully and unselfishly given a donation to help support and advance mission and ministry of the Michigan District. When these gifts, which come wrapped in a plain envelope, are unwrapped, they allow the magnificence of God’s Kingdom to be revealed through the generous hearts of the many who have sent them.

It is not the envelope; it is not the check that it enclosed; it is, however, the Kingdom work that takes place through the congregations, individuals, and families of the Michigan District when these gifts are unwrapped and allowed to go to work for the purpose of serving Jesus Christ. Serving Christ takes on many different meanings, but all are important to lift up the hearts of His people while encouraging others to open their hearts to the life-changing, eternal-life-giving message of the Gospel.

[Tweet “When these gifts are unwrapped, they allow the magnificence of God’s Kingdom to be revealed through the generous hearts of the many who have sent them.”]

May God be praised for the multitude of generous hearts who send numerous wrapped gifts to the Michigan District each year, which, when unwrapped, will collectively provide the many resources necessary to help grow Christ’s church in the Michigan District and beyond.

Just imagine what your gift, wrapped in just a plain envelope and a stamp, will do when unwrapped and allowed to help make a difference!

To learn more about the Michigan District’s Here We Stand campaign or to send a gift, click here.

Photo (c) vitapix/iStock

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About the Author

Ray is the Michigan District Assistant to the President - Development

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