Faith, Bay City Elders Seize the Day
It all began a little over a year ago, when Administrative Pastor Rev. Daniel Meckes first challenged the Board of Elders and the congregation of Faith, Bay City to think of ways to connect with the community. Over the next few months, Meckes and Associate Pastor Rev. George Morris II dug further into that idea in their sermons, board devotions, and Bible studies. Together, they urged members to consider non-traditional ways of sharing Christ in the community. They explained what it meant to be more than just present in the community, but to truly become a part of the community by reaching out as a congregation, building relationships, and sharing faith.
[Tweet “Sharing Christ in the community means becoming a part of the community.”]
Several of the elders took that challenge to heart and saw River of Time, an annual Bay City event, as an opportunity to impact the community by showing how important worship, faith life, and the Word of God was and is throughout our nation’s history.
For the past 24 years, the Bay County Historical Society has held River of Time on the banks of the Saginaw River during the last weekend of September. The event draws re-enactors from all over the country to dress, work, and live as people did from several eras in Michigan’s past. This living history is unusual with so many periods of North American history represented and features encampments from Native Americans, Voyageurs, Revolutionary War, Westward Expansion, Civil War, WWI, WWII, and Vietnam. It is a family-oriented, educational event and a wonderful way to look back at simpler if not more difficult times
The congregation accepted the opportunity to lead the Civil War outdoor worship services on September 29, 2013. Morris worked with the elders to develop an era appropriate worship service, and members were encouraged to attend, greet, speak, and share their faith with people after the service. A brass ensemble from Valley Lutheran High School, led by Director Lindsay Mueller, graciously provided music for the service.
In his message, Morris focused on the memorial aspect of River of Time since it is a living history as well as a memorial to those who served our nation. He shared, “Today, as we are surrounded by this living history, let us never forget the sacrifices that were made to secure for us the freedoms we have in our nation today. Likewise, may we always remember what God in love has done for each of us; that we are saved by Jesus’ sacrifice upon the cross and in His resurrection we have eternal life. By God’s amazing grace we are forgiven and free and there is no sweeter sound to hear!”
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