Operation Barnabas is a network of care to our nation’s military members and their families. Barnabas was Paul’s companion, who helped him in his missionary journey, and his name means “son of encouragement.” Called by Christ’s love, Operation Barnabas engages, empowers, and equips LCMS faith communities to provide hope, healing, and support to military-connected persons living in their community.
Operation Barnabas reaches out to all components of the military, with a special emphasis on our Reserve members and their families. Our nation has 1.4 million military men and women serving on active duty, and another 850,000 in the Reserve. Many members of the Reserve community live across the country in locations that are not near a military base. This means that these soldiers do not receive much of the same services and support as active duty soldiers when they return from a tour of duty. However, most of them have a Lutheran church in their community. What an opportunity to touch Reservists and their families with Christ’s love!
Would you and your congregation like to reach out to these military families during challenging times in their lives? The Michigan District, LCMS and the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces’ Operation Barnabas will conduct a workshop on April 6, 2019 at Christ our King, Saline, to train and assist local congregations in the care, support, and outreach to all military-connected people in their congregations and their communities. The event is FREE, but you must register to attend. For more information and to register, click here.
Stats and photo courtesy of LCMS Ministries to the Armed Forces’ Operation Barnabas

Mark and Judy Pflug - March 2, 2019
Tremendous opportunity to explore how to join Jesus on His mission as he continually messes with the minds of so many veterans and as He reaches out to military families! Judy and I can’t make this workshop but will be in support of its efforts locally.