In John 11:25–26, Jesus said to Mary, the sister of Lazarus, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.”
Every faithful Christian doesn’t fear what will happen to them after they die because the Risen Savior Jesus is our hope, our trust, and our resurrection. Jesus goes ahead of us and stays behind us. In fact, this is the most powerful message of hope, assurance, and salvation for a person searching for hope and assurance of entering heaven.
During POBLO’s over 30 years of ministry, several people from various religions and beliefs confessed their faith in Christ and were baptized. We are assured heaven if we believe. Jesus is mine, and heaven is mine, not because of what I do on this earth as a human but because of what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary. He defeated death; we die and rise with Him in Baptism. Ephesians 2:8–9 is so comforting for the one who is searching: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God.”
This message of hope and salvation resonates powerfully with those searching for an assurance of going to heaven. We want to thank you as our partners in missions. You are empowering and enabling POBLO missionaries to boldly share this great news of hope and assurance with Muslims and others. We want to thank our faithful partners who have trusted in POBLO and have faithfully supported this great work of God in our day and age.
I want to share some exciting news with you: on February 25 we had the opportunity to baptize an ex-Iraqi Air Force pilot (Colonel) who helped our forces. He was baptized during the Sunday worship at All Nations Lutheran Church in Clinton Twp. (POBLO-planted since 1996). What a joy it was. There were celebrations on earth and in heaven to welcome Nabil (name changed for security) into the family of our Lord. He had tears falling from his eyes while he was being baptized. All glory goes to our Lord Jesus Christ. His message of hope and assurance led Nabil to the baptismal font.
On April 28 we had four Arabs baptized at Atonement in Columbus, Ohio. The fruits of the Spirit are visible at all POBLO locations in several districts.
Can you help?
POBLO is in need of a car or a van for the new missionary couple arriving from Nepal soon. Neeraj is an M.Div. from Sydney, Australia and Manju (wife) worked for World Vision in Nepal. He will serve at Cross Point Lutheran Church in Clinton Twp. Please contact Rev. Farrukh Khan to donate.
Photo by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS