Registration is now open for all LCMS Michigan District members wishing to attend the Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) Fall Outreach Seminar, “Bringing Christ to Your Neighborhood,” on October 10, 2015, at Our Savior Lutheran Church; 7910 East St Joe Hwy; Lansing, Mich.
The seminar is being sponsored by LHM, Michigan District. The presenter will be Bruce Sutherland, Constituent Relations Manager for LHM. Sutherland recruits and trains lay leaders, forms missional focused partnerships, increases resource awareness, provides leadership, and unifies and coordinates LHM Communications and on-the-ground activities. He joined Lutheran Hour Ministries in 2011 after serving as a gift planning counselor for the LCMS Foundation in Williamsville, New York, director of church relations and development for Concordia Theological Seminary in St. Catharines, Ontario, and executive director of Ignite & Light mission transformation for the LCMS Eastern district. He is the co-founder of “Last Command – First Concern” evangelism training and plays a critical role within LHM’s MISSION Uwitnessing training program by serving as a trainer for on-site workshops and author of program content. He earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing and economics from The Pennsylvania State University and is the outreach and evangelism chairman at his home congregation, Holy Ghost Lutheran Church in Niagara Falls, New York.
The seminar will cover the three Cs of outreach:
* Connection: intentionally pursue guests to connect them to the life of your church,
* Culture: transform how your congregation views outreach; and
* Community: understand, serve and impact your neighborhood for Jesus.
Registration and fellowship begins at 9:30 a.m. The two-hour seminar runs from 10 a.m. to noon and is followed with lunch.
All expenses, including lunch, will be covered by LHM. Pastors and laity from all LCMS congregations are invited.
Attendees must RSVP for the event no later than October 3, 2015. Please send your full name and email address to John Raffel at or call him at 616.894.2936.