
A2E Sports Camp in Detroit2 min read

“I was jumping and then I made it,” exclaimed the young boy, Mylon, with a huge sense of pride. He started on the Double Dutch jump ropes with the traditional two-footed jumps, then went to one foot. He even turned around and turned back without missing a beat. When asked how much fun his long and impressive run on the Double Dutch was, he yelled out, “cool!”

Mylon was one of a large group of kids on the Southeast side of Detroit to participate in the annual Acts 2 Enterprise Sports Camp. Rev. Chris Bodley, the Executive Director for A2E, brings kids together to not only teach them sports skills, but also incorporates lessons from the Bible throughout the weeklong summer camp.

Children from ages 4 all the way up to teenagers got to learn skills in various sports at Corrigan Park. The sports and coaches Rev. Bodley brought in this year included flag football, golf, cheer, lacrosse, archery, karate, and Mylon’s favorite, Double Dutch.

The overall theme for this year’s Sports Camp was based on John 14:6. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” Each day the children learn a different Bible lesson. “We keep raising them up to understand that in life you will have to endure through some things. Sometimes those things are not pleasant and yet we are very excited about what they are going to learn,” said Rev. Bodley.

It was a great week with some really good weather. And Rev. Bodley felt blessed everything worked out so well. “We’re also excited about how they’re just loving each other and spending time together with each other,” said Rev. Bodley.

Mylon loved the sports activities. He was also enthused to not only hear, but share what he learned about Jesus. “He helped people,” said Mylon. “And he do a ton of stuff.”

Photos by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS

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About the Author

Jeffrey Heisner is the Communications Director for Mission Partners Platform. He, his wife Jodi, and two children reside in Westlake, Ohio.

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